Do You Have Crop or Processing Wastes that Could Feed Livestock? CCOF organic livestock producers need feed!
The unprecedented drought conditions are causing serious livestock feed shortages throughout the West Coast. We are trying to connect any CCOF-certified operations with excess organic crop or processing wastes and residues - such as organic fruit and vegetable culls, nut shells, or food waste - that may serve as supplemental feed for nearby organic livestock operations. This is a great opportunity to not only reduce waste but also support your fellow CCOF-certified farm! In the past, we have seen farms very successfully channel organic vegetable residue “waste” into feed for livestock. Remember, organic livestock need certified organic feed. If you typically mix organic culls or wastes with conventional wastes, would you consider keeping them separate and offering the organic wastes to your fellow organic livestock producers?
If you have quantities of certified organic wastes that can be used as feed, please post a free classified. This could be an added value for you and a vital feed supplement for a livestock operation. If you are interested, please post a free ad today or, if you are not a member, send the following information to
Available commodities (please note: spoiled items are not likely to be consumed by livestock):
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